AFLV Central Speakers

Attending a conference like AFLV Central means you get to hear from the best of the best on the issues that really matter.

Our 2025 lineup is so ready to see you this February in Indianapolis.

Qy'Darrius McEachern headshot

Qy’Darrius McEachern


For College For Life

Thursday Night Keynote

It Takes a Village

We all can pinpoint specific moments in our lives where we reach a stark pivot point in our journey. Like where we think about life before and life after that specific moment.

Like before you met your lifelong best friend, and life after.

Like before Beyoncé released Lemonade, the visual album, and life after.

Like before March 2020, and life after.

For Q, he had a few of those moments in college. The unexpected loss of his father and grandmother within 8 months of each other sent him into a spiral filled with depression, anxiety, and difficulty. In those worst times, it wasn’t “the grind,” his coursework, or his responsibilities as a student leader that helped him find peace again.

It was his village. The village of people around him who helped him pick up the pieces and become whole again.

But this program isn’t about Q’s village only … It’s about yours!

Heather Matthews


Kappa Delta HQ

Friday Morning Keynote

Telling Your Story

Every one of us knows the incredible power of being in a sorority or fraternity!

It’s where we find our people; where we learn who we are; where we make a difference; where we tap into our potential; and where we become the best version of ourselves!

It’s time to share our story with the world … and you have main character energy.

In this session, you’ll learn how YOU can have a huge impact on telling the sorority/fraternity story and marketing your sisterhood/brotherhood in ways that will build your personal brand and the brand of sororities and fraternities on your campus and beyond.

Ross Szabo


Top Youth Speakers

Saturday Morning Keynote

Mental Health is Health; How to Talk About Difficult Topics in Your Chapter

In the depths of a mental health crisis, many members are trying to find the best ways to address the challenges they face in themselves and their sisters/brothers.

One of the largest barriers preventing members from having these conversations is not having a clear language for mental health.

This session helps leaders learn the differences between typical emotions and mental health disorders, the role that brain development plays in behaviors, small steps they can take to support others and how to change coping mechanisms.

Ross Szabo shares his personal experiences with bipolar disorder and addiction to help others consider the actions that everyone can take in their own lives to improve their mental health.

KJ McNamara headshot

KJ McNamara


For College For Life

Sunday Morning Keynote

When S#!t Gets Hard

How do you lead when things get hard? When should you stay the course and when should you abandon ship?

We all face our fair share of trails and trauma in our communities and lives. How you manage the tough stuff, your own personal life, and the expectations of others is the ultimate leadership test.

We don’t talk enough about how our management of these weights impacts whether we will be an effective, transformational leader or not. In this program, we will get into the “real” of leadership that goes unspoken to ensure you can be your very best when shit gets hard.