council Compass Submission Tips

We’re here to help you shine! Here are our tips to make it to the awards stage at AFLV Central or AFLV West.

  • Be clear.

    Remember, our judges have never been to your campus.

    Highlight pieces in your documentation and provide direct links to where judges can find things. You want to make their job as easy as possible.

  • Nobody's Perfect.

    There's no perfect council! You may realize you do not have answers for every question. That is ok!

    This process is not only about awards, but also assessment. The most valuable thing you can bring home is feedback to improve your community. Answer honestly and look forward to hearing back from the judges.

  • Plan ahead. 

    The awards application success is in the details. Don’t wait to the last minute to apply, allowing the details and achievements to be forgotten. Use the fall semester to apply as the council carries out the metrics that make up the Council Compass awards.

  • Ask for help!

    Use your advisors to support you in this process! They are there to be a resource.

    Unsure about a question? Something wrong with an online form? Email for help.

Council Compass Main Question List

The Main Question List includes all potential questions that could be asked on the Council Compass award application.

There are four categories your council could apply to win awards:

  1. Accountability

  2. Collaboration

  3. Education

  4. Innovation

Within each category, there are three levels of recognition:

  1. One Star

  2. Two Star

  3. Three Star

Each recognition level will include three to five open-ended essay questions. As your council prepares, please note all the questions in this master list won’t appear on the actual application form. This list is a preview of how we consider each level of recognition so that your council applies for the level that best suits your council’s achievements.

To apply for a specific level, your council must achieve all accomplishments associated with the level. Some questions require additional documentation to confirm the information shared through your council’s essay submission. The supplemental materials should confirm and enhance what you share in the open-ended essay.

Basic Council & University Info

All applications must include:

  • Contact information

  • Awards applicant name

  • Council president name

  • Fraternity/sorority life advisor

  • Council constitution and bylaws

  • Institution-specific statistics

  • Academic statistics

  • Number of local/national/international organizations

  • Dues/fee structure

  • Council Position Descriptions

  • Council Meeting Schedule

  • Letter from the fraternity/sorority life office recognizing the council as a student organization in good standing with the university


Accountability icon

Ability to follow through, manage responsibly, and expect high standards from the community it governs


Collaboration icon

Ability to work successfully among the council, chapters, staff, and larger community


Education icon

Ability to educate all council members about necessary, relevant, and progressive topics


Innovation icon

Ability to go beyond what has been created or achieved before; critical and creative thinking that leads to cutting edge programs and initiatives