council Compass Submission Tips

We’re here to help you shine! Here are our tips to make it to the awards stage at AFLV Central or AFLV West.

  • Be clear.

    Remember, our judges have never been to your campus.

    Highlight pieces in your documentation and provide direct links to where judges can find things. You want to make their job as easy as possible.

  • Nobody's Perfect.

    There's no perfect council! You may realize you do not have answers for every question. That is ok!

    This process is not only about awards, but also assessment. The most valuable thing you can bring home is feedback to improve your community. Answer honestly and look forward to hearing back from the judges.

  • Plan ahead. 

    The awards application success is in the details. Don’t wait to the last minute to apply, allowing the details and achievements to be forgotten. Use the fall semester to apply as the council carries out the metrics that make up the Council Compass awards.

  • Ask for help!

    Use your advisors to support you in this process! They are there to be a resource.

    Unsure about a question? Something wrong with an online form? Email for help.

Council Compass Main Question List

The Main Question List includes all potential questions that could be asked on the Council Compass award application.

There are four categories your council could apply to win awards:

  1. Accountability

  2. Collaboration

  3. Education

  4. Innovation

Within each category, there are three levels of recognition:

  1. One Star

  2. Two Star

  3. Three Star

Each recognition level will include three to five open-ended essay questions. As your council prepares, please note all the questions in this master list won’t appear on the actual application form. This list is a preview of how we consider each level of recognition so that your council applies for the level that best suits your council’s achievements.

To apply for a specific level, your council must achieve all accomplishments associated with the level. Some questions require additional documentation to confirm the information shared through your council’s essay submission. The supplemental materials should confirm and enhance what you share in the open-ended essay.

Basic Council & University Information

All applications must include:

  • Contact information

  • Awards applicant name

  • Council president name

  • Fraternity/sorority life advisor

  • Council constitution and bylaws

  • Institution-specific statistics

  • Academic statistics

  • Number of local/national/international organizations

  • Dues/fee structure

  • Council Position Descriptions

  • Council Meeting Schedule

  • Letter from the fraternity/sorority life office recognizing the council as a student organization in good standing with the university


Accountability icon

Ability to follow through, manage responsibly, and expect high standards from the community it governs

    • Identify the minimum standards/requirements for members to serve the council in a leadership capacity.

    • Describe what the council has established as minimum standards for chapters to be considered in “good standing.”

    • Explain how the council holds chapters accountable to the above outline of minimum standards. What occurs if a chapter is unable to meet one of the standards? How is the chapter held accountable?

    • Define the academic success plan the council created to meet the needs of the council.

    • Illustrate the outlets/ways member chapters and chapter leadership provide feedback to the council and member organizations.

    • Explore the ways in which the council provides positive recognition to member chapters and leaders.

    • Describe the council’s practice of providing peer-to-peer feedback, evaluation, and/or communication. This can include formal and informal methods of feedback.

    • Describe the crisis management process the council has created. Please include how officers and member chapters receive education about the crisis management process.

    • Identify how the council assists chapters in completing educational expectations as it relates to forms of accountability.

    • Describe how the council standards/judicial board is trained. If your council does not have a standards/judicial board please explain what mechanism is used to hold groups accountable, and how that entity is trained.

    • What type of training does the council provide to help students/chapters/leadership to foster peer governance membership accountability? 

    • Explore the accountability methods the council utilizes outside of punitive measures. How do council leaders identify and fix mistakes or implement restorative justice practices? Please include measures outside of fines, non-involvement, etc.

    • Illustrate how the council holds chapters accountable to university expectations. How does the council work with the university conduct office when an incident occurs involving a policy violation?

    • Explore how the council assesses internal policies to ensure it is meeting the needs of the community.

    • Describe the different training opportunities provided to chapter standards/judicial boards.

    • Describe the scope of responsibility associated with the council standards board. Within this response, please illustrate how peer governance is interwoven.


Collaboration icon

Ability to work successfully among the council, chapters, staff, and larger community

    • Describe how the council collaborated with another campus organization to provide co- sponsorship in some capacity (ex. time, financial support, resources, volunteers, etc.)

    • Describe the existing relationship the council has with umbrella organizations, graduate chapters, local and/or national volunteers.

    • Describe the ways the council collaborates with peer governing councils to ensure that all council members can attend regional leadership conferences, if applicable (ex. AFLV Central, NBGLC, AFLV West, NCGLC, IFC Academy, College Panhellenic Academy, etc.).

    • Illustrate how the council creates opportunities to connect like officers from all member chapters to share ideas and resources.

    • Define the methods the council uses to collect and communicate chapter member events.

    • Describe a way in which the council promotes and highlights, through council website or social media pages, individual member chapter websites, or social media pages.

    • Describe the printed and/or electronic marketing materials the council created the showcases all peer councils.

    • Describe an event in which the council provides co-sponsorship. This could be in the form of financial sponsorship, creation of the marketing campaign to encourage student attendees, and/or level of participation from member chapters.

    • Explore how the council works with peer councils and/or other organizations on campus to host a community service event or philanthropy event for members, community members, grad chapter members and/or advisors.

    • Illustrate how the council encourages member chapters to collaborate in the planning and execution of events with other member chapters to decrease over-programming.

    • Identify and explore ways the council collaborates with faculty, campus professionals, university police, and/or other university department to provide programs or events for members.

    • Describe how the council works with the service office on campus and/or local non-profit agencies to educate chapter officers and members on the purpose and value of community service.

    • Describe how the council collects accurate information about member chapters for use on council website and/or social media platform.

    • Explore how the council utilizes partnerships with campus-based professionals and offices to develop a long-term strategic plan. How is this plan shared from year to year?

    • Describe how the council collaborates on events or programs by contributing financial support and/or resources in addition to helping plan, implement, and execute the event or program.

    • Describe how the council partners with qualified fundraising professional(s) to educate member chapters on ways to enhance their philanthropic or fundraising efforts.

    • Describe how the council assesses the current academic climate with specific initiatives for improvement and support.

    • Identify and describe the council partnerships with non-profit agencies around the community to provide ongoing service opportunities to members/member chapters.

    • Explore how the council fosters and enhances relationships within the fraternal community.


Education icon

Ability to educate all council members about necessary, relevant, and progressive topics

    • Describe the educational initiatives the council is most proud of, and why. Please include what made the educational initiative impactful.

    • Explore the ways in which the council educates member chapters, including: educational topics, content, and delivery.

    • Explain how campus policies or state/federal laws have influenced your bylaws. How have you educated chapter leaders and members about this intersection?

    • Describe the ways in which the council educates potential members and their families on pertinent information pertaining to the membership experience.

    • Explain a development experience the council provided. Response should explore the entire experience including what the membership gained as well as what the council learned through the process.

    • Identify and explain the educational resources the council utilizes to ensure member development.

    • Describe how the council educates themselves about current events/issues that may impact the way they lead/govern their council.
      *Note, this is specific to the individuals on the current council leadership board.

    • In what ways does the council support member organizations to provide educational opportunities for their respective members?

    • Explain the topics/national trends specific to the fraternity/sorority experience that are driving conversation within the current council leadership. What action is the council taking?

    • Define the ways in which the council educates member chapters about health and safety (ex. alcohol abuse, drug use, sexual assault, etc.)

    • Describe the methods the council used to determine the most relevant and necessary educational programming for your constituents.

    • Identify the way in which the council fosters membership development for upperclassmen members.

    • Describe how the council incorporates technology into educational programming.

    • Describe how the council educates members of the community about current events/ issues that may impact members of the community.

    • Illustrate the ways the council evaluates the effectiveness of educational programs provided to member chapters or the community. Please include what was learned through the evaluation process and how the information led the catalyst to change and/ or advance the educational programming offered.

    • Explain how the council incorporates cross cultural competencies into leadership development.

    • Explore how the council educates members about preventative measures as they relate to campus needs.

    • Describe something the council has done, supported, or implemented in the area of education that fostered change-enabling experiences and an overarching positive impact within the council community and beyond.

    • Explore how the council uses national trends to inform and advance educational programs.

    • Describe the role the council takes in addressing current events/issues related to social and racial justice on your campus.


Innovation icon

Ability to go beyond what has been created or achieved before; critical and creative thinking that leads to cutting edge programs and initiatives

    • Identify and explore the innovative or unique approaches the council infuses into the recruitment/intake process.

    • Identify and explore the innovative approaches the council infuses into new member retention to foster a sense of belonging.

    • Explain how your council infuses new thinking into existing traditions.

    • Explore how the council has taken a new approach to service projects/events.

    • Describe something the council supports or implements that creates a positive impact on the campus, community, or within the council.

    • Illustrate how council programming changes or evolves from previous years.

    • Describe how the council infuses innovative technology into organizational operations.

    • Explore how the council works with university administration or community members to provide students with innovative programs or initiatives.

    • Describe something the council attempted that didn’t work out as planned or wasn’t successful. Please include what was learned through the process.

    • Identify and illustrate the marketing techniques the council utilizes to reach a diverse audience.

    • Explain how the council challenges the status quo within the ongoing council operations.

    • Describe the program(s) the council developed that catered to a new or previously unmet need(s) of the council.

    • Describe how the council has demonstrated opportunities for members to contribute as a global citizen.

    • Describe how the council provides programming that caters to the various needs of the community.

    • Explore how the council advocates for its members and constituents within the university setting and the larger community.

    • Describe how the council challenges the status quo of existing campus wide practices/ traditions. How does the council influence campus progress and drive community wide innovation?

    • Describe what the council learns from the process of trying and creating new programs and initiatives that may have been unsuccessful along the way.

    • Define how the council utilizes assessment tools to influence practices, to understand the needs of their community and constituents, and better inform their brand.

    • Explore how the council collects feedback from constituents and stakeholders in order to improve.