What This Bama Rush Thing Really is All About...

In our third installment for the series, “Now Entering Recruitment Season... Cue the Ring Light” we’re linking with Phired Up who posted a great article to their blog reflecting on the aspects of belonging, connection, and human experience within Bama Rush. Author Colleen Blevins challenges readers to see sorority beyond the screen and accept that sorority is so much more than a viral trend or social media engagement stats.

What do you think? Check out Phired Up’s blog linked below and consider this alternative viewpoint. Are we allowing our new members to preview the full experience through our social outreach? How can we make first impressions more meaningful? Is there more to our world than hype dances (although those are 🔥)

Colleen Blevins

Colleen is the Senior Director of Training at Phired Up!

Website: Phired Up


AFLV exists to accelerate progress in fraternity/sorority communities through change-enabling experiences.


People do not trust your organization.


🎧Under the Tuscaloosa Sun🎧